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Fall 2024 On-Campus MSW Application FINAL Deadline: July 16, 2024

USC University of Southern California

News Archive


  • Isaac Ford, Jr.

    In April of 2018, Isaac Ford Jr., MSW ’12, attended the National Association of Black Social Workers Annual Conference in San Diego, California. He was excited to be a part of the 50th anniversary celebration, partake in seminars and workshops, and meet new people.

  • Peter Breen, Mary Denton

    On November 22, 1963, Peter Breen, MSW ’67, was home watching his two-year old daughter when he heard of President Kennedy’s assassination.

    “I sat in front of that TV for three days,” said Breen. “Three weeks later I left the farm in Gilroy, California and said, ‘we’re going to do something good.’” And good he did. For 55 years, Breen has been working to promote innovative child welfare services and programs in California.

  • mentoring

    Navigating the career lifecycle can be challenging for soon-to-be-graduates and seasoned professionals alike. Whether it’s securing a first job, moving to a new one or rising in the ranks at the same organization, the question “Where do I start?” can feel overwhelming.  

  • Steve Kim & Mary Iammarino

    Two decades ago, Steve Kim, MSW ’06, turned his life around. Thanks to the intervention of people who helped him envision a life beyond what he calls the worst mistakes of his life, he’s been paying it forward ever since.

  • therapist

    Social workers dedicate their lives to serving others, improving the wellbeing of individuals and communities across the globe on a daily basis. Committing this level of emotional commitment and energy to others is no easy task, and as such, social work has one of the highest rates of burnout, marked by physical, emotional and mental exhaustion.1

  • Dezetta Burnett

    For years, every time Dezetta Burnett drove by USC’s University Park Campus, her young daughter would pipe up from the backseat: “Mommy, you should go to school one more time.”

    Burnett had earned her master’s in social work at USC while pregnant with Amaiya, now age 8. But as a single mom working full time, she was wary about the commitment of enrolling in college again.

  • Marium Qureshi

    Minutes before she walked the stage at USC Commencement this past May, Marium Qureshi’s phone rang with an unfamiliar number. Luckily, she picked up. Twitter was on the line, offering this new Master of Social Work (MSW) graduate a job as a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) specialist at the company’s San Francisco headquarters.

    “I was thrilled,” she said. “It was like everything I had worked for coming to fruition.”

  • Sherlock Ho and Spencer Vicente

    Meet two USC MSWs who are finding unique ways to serve the military community.

  • Nicholas Barr

    Nicholas Barr, USC PhD ‘18, is using mindfulness-based interventions to treat trauma within military and homeless youth populations.

  • Alexandra Savage

    Meet some of the outstanding military track MSWs from the class of 2019.