
Margaret W. Driscoll/Louise M. Clevenger Professor in Social Policy and Administration; Executive Director, USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging; Director of Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core, USC Alzheimer's Disease Research Center

Professor, Director of Military and Veterans Programs, Director of the Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans and Military Families, Director of the RAND-USC Epstein Family Foundation Center for Veterans Policy Research

Lenore Stein-Wood and William S. Wood Professor of School Behavioral Health; Director, Doctor of Social Work Program

Frances L. and Albert G. Feldman Professor of Social Policy and Health; Director, Center for Homelessness, Housing and Health Equity Research; Director, Homelessness Policy Research Institute

Cleofas and Victor Ramirez Professor of Practice, Policy, Research and Advocacy for the Latino Population
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Teaching Professors

Teaching Professor, Practicum Education and Professor, Clinical Dentistry, Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC

Teaching Professor, Practicum Education and Assistant Dean, Recruitment and Workforce Development

Teaching Professor, Practicum Education; Associate Dean, Community and Clinical Programs; Chief Administrative Officer, University Clinical Services
Associate Teaching Professors

Associate Teaching Professor; Assistant Director, Clinical Programs; Clinical Director, Trauma Recovery Center and Telebehavioral Health at USC

Associate Teaching Professor, Practicum Education; Director, Bachelor of Social Work Program and Undergraduate Education

Associate Teaching Professor, Practicum Education and Assistant Regional Practicum Director, Northeast Region