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Fall 2024 On-Campus MSW Application FINAL Deadline: July 16, 2024

USC University of Southern California

News Archive


  • diversity

    Efforts to improve diversity, equity and inclusion at USC schools have built momentum toward change.

    Sometimes to move forward, one needs to look back.

    As USC grapples with a culture change process aimed at improving how the university functions, lessons can be drawn from the work that has been done by its diversity liaisons.

  • wellness yoga

    Mitigate your risk for experiencing secondary trauma and burnout by implementing these tips for promoting mental wellbeing while working in a demanding social services role.

    Improving the wellbeing of others and ensuring every person’s basic human needs are met are among the principal goals of social services and mental health care work.

  • two nurses reviewing data

    While nurse practitioner (NP) and physician assistant (PA) professions both offer autonomy, responsibility and competitive salaries, there are clear differences between PA vs. NP careers. Here, we’ll examine the NP vs. PA career path to better understand the difference between PA and NP External link roles, specifically educational requirements, scope of practice and career outlook.

  • Two women talking

    Licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) is one of several social work licenses granted by states nationwide, although the actual title may vary by state. An LCSW is a practitioner who has been approved by a state licensing board External link to provide comprehensive mental health services and assume greater responsibilities than a social worker who is not licensed.

  • teens

    In recognition of National Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Month, Clinical Associate Professor of nursing Theresa Granger illuminates the complex social factors that contribute to unplanned teen pregnancy.

  • group of adults talking

    Are you looking for a profession that will challenge you? One that will allow you to make a positive impact on some of the most vulnerable populations? You might consider seeking a psychiatric social worker degree, which is possible by enrolling in a psychiatric social work program that offers hands-on experiences and learning opportunities. If you’re contemplating a career in psychiatric social work, then the following information may shed some light on the profession — and why this career may be suitable for you.

  • interview

    From asking questions that demonstrate your enthusiasm and expertise to answering for professional shortcomings, here are some best practices for acing any clinical social work job interview.

    In the context of a clinical social work job interview, demonstrating your skill level, drawing attention to your achievements, expressing your professional interests and positioning yourself as a competitive candidate can be a daunting challenge for any interviewee.

  • Diverse community

    The 2019 Tri-County Collaborative Community Safety Conference aims to tackle violence prevention in the Los Angeles area by championing community voices.


    A new interagency initiative at the Los Angeles Veterans Collaborative aims to place more veterans in meaningful, long-lasting careers.

  • Nurse LGBT health

    In honor of National LGBT Health Awareness Week, family nurse practitioner Amber Richert examines the unique health care needs of LGBT patients—and the destigmatization required to increase their access to LGBT-affirming health care.

    Around 3.5 percent of Americans identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual, and roughly 0.03 percent identify as transgender. And while these individuals often have unique health care needs, many encounter serious obstacles when trying to access equitable, high-quality care.