Dual Degree FAQ
Can online MSW students pursue a dual degree?
Unfortunately, the dual degree option is not available to online MSW students.
Can I apply for a dual degree if I have already begun the MSW program?
We highly encourage all students to apply for both programs simultaneously. However, the MSW/MPA, MSW/MPH, MSW/MPL and MSW/MSG programs will allow students to apply within their first year of the MSW program due to how the curriculum is structured. The MSW/MBA, MSW/JD and MSW/MAJNM programs do NOT allow students to begin the MSW program prior to applying, as the MSW courses do not come first in the curriculum structure (there is no flexibility regarding this).
Will I qualify for MSW scholarships while in the dual degree program?
Yes, all dual degree students are eligible to apply for MSW scholarships at the time of application. Please be advised that if awarded an MSW scholarship, the funds will not be applied to your account until you are enrolled in MSW courses, i.e., students in the MSW/MBA program will not receive MSW scholarship funds until the second year of their program. For more information regarding MSW scholarships, please contact mswscholarships@usc.edu.
Are dual degree students required to complete a field internship? If so, how many hours?
Yes, all dual degree students must complete 1,000 field hours as a requirement of the MSW degree.

Ready to chart a new path forward? View application instructions for MSW dual degree programs.