Student Caucuses and Interest Groups
Caucuses and interest groups are recognized student organizations within the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work that promote awareness of interests, service to the community and leadership development through professional, educational, social and community events. Student caucuses and interest groups enable members to organize effectively and empower themselves through a collective voice.
All caucuses and interest groups are open to all eligible individuals. The USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work operates all of its programs and activities consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.
In order to officially become a caucus or interest group, students must first form an interest group that is active for 3 years before receiving recognition as a caucus. Please see list below of currently active caucuses and interest groups for the 2024-2025 academic year. Caucuses and interest groups that currently have no active members can be viewed by clicking on the drop-down menu at the bottom of this page. For more information on how to start a new interest group or to restart a caucus or interest group that currently has no members, please contact Student Affairs at sswstsvc@usc.edu.
Find us on Instagram at @uscsowkstudentaffairs and check out our channel on YouTube.
- Student Handbook (pg. 75-85 Recognized Student Organization policies)
- Graphic Identity Guidelines (caucus logos)
- EngageUSC (events guidance)
- Reserve Space in Leavey Library
- Graduate Student Government Information
- USC Campus Activities
- Multicultural Student Resources
- USC Credit Union - Recognized student organizations in good standing can open a USC Credit Union bank account for their organization. Information on how to open an account can be found in the forms below:
Active Caucuses and Interest Groups
Caucuses and interest groups vary each academic year. All caucuses require a faculty or staff advisor and registration with Campus Activities every academic year.
Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Caucus
The mission of the Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Caucus is to promote Asian Pacific Islander cultural awareness and community advocacy. This is accomplished through community service, solidarity, professional development, leadership and collaboration with other organizations. To learn more about API SWC, watch Jennifer Henry, 2020-2021 co-chair, share about their experience.
Email: apiswusc@gmail.com Instagram: @apisowkusc
Black Social Work Caucus
The Black Social Work Caucus is committed to building solidarity among its members by encouraging understanding and acceptance of racial and ethnical differences, creativity, self-determination, practices and leadership. It was founded in 1969 on the basis of integrating a multicultural perspective into the curriculum, dialogue and student body of the school. We are dedicated to academic achievement, professionalism and social justice for all people. To learn more about BSWC, watch Marcus Owens, 2020-2021 co-chair, share about their experience.
Email: usc.bswc@gmail.com Instagram: @usc_bswc
Latinx Social Work Caucus
The Latinx Social Work Caucus serves as a student organization that promotes leadership, self-help and solidarity among Master of Social Work students, and works toward the betterment of all cultures and ethnicities. We strive to accomplish this through academic excellence, professional development and empowerment for social justice. We acknowledge and embrace the richness of all cultures within a multicultural society. To learn more about LSWC, watch Alanis Gonzalez, 2020-2021 co-chair, share about their experience.
Email: lswcuscboard@gmail.com Instagram: @latinxusc
Phi Alpha Honor Society - Omicron Epsilon Chapter
The purpose of the Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers, and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work. "Through knowledge - the challenge to serve."
Email: phialpha@usc.edu Instagram: @uscphialphahonorsociety
Forensic Social Work Caucus
The Forensic Social Work Caucus is a professional specialty that focuses on the interface between the legal system and the human services system. The goal of the Forensic Social Work Caucus is to disseminate information regarding the practice of forensic social work to all interested students and provide the opportunity for networking with professionals in the field. To learn more about the FSWC, watch Paola Tapia and Natalie Castaneda, 2020-2021 co-chairs, share about their experience.
Email: uscforensicswc@gmail.com Instagram: @usc_fswc
Active Affinity Groups
All affinity groups are open to all eligible individuals. The USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work operates all of its programs and activities consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.
Neurodiversity Student Affinity Group
The Neurodiversity Student Affinity Group provides community and connection for students and their allies. The purpose of the group is to provide support, share coping skills, identify opportunities for advocacy and provide training for all on neurodiversity. The group provides a safe place to discuss challenges, successes and to share resources.
For more information or to join us please email: Debra Waters-Roman, faculty advisor, at watersro@usc.edu or Tina Paddock, faculty advisor, at cpaddock@usc.edu.
Jewish Student Affinity Group
The Jewish Student Affinity Group provides community, culture and connection for social work students at the University of Southern California. The group is committed to exploring the connections between Judaism and social work and to enhancing understanding of the Jewish peoples’ role in social justice movements.
Email: Susan Hess, faculty advisor, at susanhes@usc.edu or Sara Schwartz, faculty advisor, at saraschw@usc.edu. Instagram: @the_tribe_msw
Disability Access and Advocacy Affinity Group
The Disability Access and Advocacy Group is committed to raising awareness regarding inclusivity and resources available on campus for students with disabilities and in the spirit of unity and support. We are students with and without disabilities working towards addressing ableism and other forms of oppression and building authentic community. This inclusive space provides opportunities for gathering and sharing a sense of identity, culture and belonging. The group is dedicated to building social network with other student groups and provides opportunities for training and advocacy on increasing accessibility and inclusiveness of students with disabilities at our school.
For more information or to join us please email Laura Gale, faculty advisor at lauracga@usc.edu or Estela Andujo, faculty advisor, at eandujo@usc.edu
Caucuses and Student Groups - No Active Members
The caucuses and student groups below have no active members as of August 2021. For more information on how to restart a caucus or student group, please contact Student Affairs at sswstsvc@usc.edu.
All caucuses and interest groups are open to all eligible individuals. The USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work operates all of its programs and activities consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Eligibility is not determined based on race, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited factor.
Art RX Interest Group
Art Rx is a partnership between the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and Keck School of Medicine of USC to educate, strategize and research innovative ways in which medical professionals can utilize the arts to relieve pain and bring comfort to those suffering from illness and trauma. USC’s establishment as a mecca of creative and scientific minds places the university in the ideal position to pioneer the developing space of arts and medicine. We invite you to join us in helping medical professionals change the future of medicine by establishing a treatment culture in which patients can tap into their inner artist and fight a true Trojan battle against illness.
Email: artrx@usc.edu Instagram: @artrxusc
Association of Student Nurse Practitioners
The Association of Student Nurse Practitioners fosters the growth and professional development of students enrolled in the Master of Science in Nursing-Family Nurse Practitioner program. Professional development focuses on building essential skills necessary for industry leadership. Membership benefits focus on professional development sessions and networking opportunities, professional case studies with discussion, guest lectures, best practices for the FNP, potential research projects, medical ethics case studies, collaborative practice and more.
Email: Michelle Zappas, faculty advisor, at zappas@usc.edu
International Social Work Caucus
The goal of the International Social Work Caucus is to promote awareness about international social work issues. We provide a bridge between USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work students and international organizations, inform social work students about international social work internship and volunteer opportunities, and optimize learning opportunities for social work students regarding the role of social workers in the international field. We also recognize international social work students as partners who further enrich the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work on international issues. The ISWC does not discriminate between race, gender or sexual orientation.
Email: iswc@usc.edu Instagram: @usc_iswc
Leadership and Organization Interest Group
The mission of this interest group is to develop leaders who promote social welfare in businesses and organizations. Through academic forums, social events, fundraisers and other activities, we engage MSW students to develop an expertise in macro-practice social work.
Men in Social Work Caucus
The Men in Social Work Caucus addresses the challenges and needs unique to male social work practitioners, and strives to put forth a renewed vision of masculinity in our society. The caucus endeavors to bring awareness and interest to masculinity's impact, especially within the Southern California community. To achieve this goal, the caucus requires active participation from the entire student body regardless of gender. Email: mensowk@gmail.com
Military Social Work Caucus
The Military Social Work Caucus promotes the welfare, social interests, education, outreach and support of military service members, veterans, their families and their communities. We welcome participation from graduate and professional students regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political affiliation. Our focus is on professional development in support of military, veteran and civilian governmental providers; reintegration of veterans from all eras and their family members into the community; and preventing and intervening to minimize the social impact of crises and conflict. To learn more about MSWC, watch Wilmer Rivas, 2020-2021 president, share about their experience.
Email: uscmilitarycaucus@gmail.com Instagram: @uscmswc
Mind Body Social Work Caucus
The Mind Body Social Work Caucus seeks to promote the healing and growth available through the mind-body connection. We strive to use the psyche to positively impact the body and vice versa. The Mind Body Social Work Caucus offers weekly sessions with a panel of experts offering techniques ranging from laughter yoga to self-compassion. Additionally, we serve as a hub for individuals interested in the mind-body connection to share ideas and innovate on how to impact the wellness of our colleagues, our communities and society as a whole. The Mind Body Caucus is a place to come to destress.
Email: Kim Goodman, faculty advisor, at kwgoodma@usc.edu
Religion and Spirituality Social Work Caucus
The Religion and Spirituality Social Work Caucus holds a commitment to love, grace, compassion, faith and service. We strive to explore spirituality, faith and practice as social work professionals through guest speaker events. We are determined to provide opportunities to serve and connect with the greater USC community through community service. We also encourage spiritual growth among the student body to strengthen individuals as they reach for their goals and dreams within their careers. Email: christiansocialworkcaucususc@gmail.com
Social Work and the Arts Social Work Caucus
The Social Work and the Arts caucus focuses on the role of the arts in social work practice. This group aims to educate students about arts practices as therapeutic interventions. We also hope to bring together students with artistic practices and talents who are using their skills in relation to their social work practice. Our goal is to connect to the wider artistic community in Los Angeles, creating relationships between social work students and nonprofit arts-based community agencies.
Email: Michal Sela-Amit, faculty advisor, at mselaami@usc.edu Instagram: @uscswac
Trauma Response and Recovery Social Work Caucus
The Trauma Response and Recovery Social Work Caucus is a student-led organization dedicated to promoting leadership and disaster awareness as well empowering, educating and supporting social work students to better understand communities that are impacted by crises and disasters. The goal is to encourage academic excellence, preparation for unforeseen events, and to strive for social justice by exposing members to skills that can be used to respond and help communities recover.
Instagram: usc.traumaresponse
Unchained Scholars Social Work Caucus
Unchained Scholars is a student caucus composed of formerly incarcerated MSW, DSW, and PhD students working with ally members to dismantle the barriers faced by people impacted by the criminal punishment system. Upholding the values and principles of the social work profession, we challenge beliefs, policies and systems that marginalize, stigmatize and dehumanize individuals with criminal records contributing to a cycle of oppression. Through advocacy and community building, we live the change we want to see. To learn more about the Unchained Scholars Interest Group, watch Yehudah Pryce, 2020-2021 co-chair, share about their experience.
Unchained Scholars Welcome Letter
Unchained Scholars Virtual Peer Support Group
NASW Rehabilitation & Inclusion Council
Universities should not require students to disclose criminal histories
Unchained Scholars Break Barriers, Support One Another
Unchained Scholar Omar Pryce exemplifies mission of USC group
Formerly Incarcerated Trojan Works to Dispel the Stigma that Afflicts Others Like Her
Her Father's Mistakes Don't Define this Trojan
New Unchained Scholars Leaders Look to Carry On Their Predecessor's Message of Hope
Email: us1@usc.edu Instagram: @us_usc_sdpssw
Virtual Academic Center Social Work Caucus
The Virtual Academic Center Caucus is an arm of student leadership that serves as a connector between VAC students, Student Organization, and school administration. The goals of the caucus include fundraising for extracurricular programming and student events, in addition to hosting web-based focus groups and meetings. The caucus is committed to empowering students and creating a cohesive student body with our students who are spread throughout the United States and the world. Email: vac.caucus.usc@gmail.com
Queer Alliance Social Work Caucus
The Queer Alliance Social Work Caucus seeks to increase dialogue about issues for the LGBTQ+ population, as well as provide networking opportunities university-wide. Toward this end, the Queer Alliance Caucus hosts awareness-raising events, educational brown bags and social events for all students, faculty and staff. To learn more about QASW, watch Megan Larson, 2020-2021 co-chair, share about their experience.
Email: queerallianceswc@gmail.com Instagram: @uscqaswc