Los Angeles Wildfires

To help faculty, staff and students who have been severely impacted and need financial assistance, USC has implemented the Trojan Family L.A. WildFires Relief Fund.

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Fall 2025 Applications NOW OPEN for On-Campus MSW

Graphic Identity

Below you will find some basic guidelines for the use of the various components that make up the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work’s graphic identity. The foundation of the identity lies in the consistent use of graphic elements, including the university logotypes and the school’s logotypes, as well as official typefaces, colors and marks. By preserving a professional and recognizable look, we are protecting the brand and reinforcing the quality of USC as an institution to all audiences. The existence of these guidelines does not mean materials must look exactly alike. However, the standards call for materials to demonstrate a family resemblance for the school and university. This applies to any and all entities housed under the school. All university identity guidelines can be found at identity.usc.edu. Trademarks and Licensing Services lists vendors who are authorized to use USC names and trademarks on products for promotional use by campus departments.

School Logotypes

These are our main identifiers and have been specially created for the school. Use the orientation that fits best for your intended use. Use the EPS version when you plan to print, and use the JPEG version for on-screen use only. Always download the file. Do not cut and paste from this website. In Micorsoft Word, use insert>picture>from file. Do not alter these elements in any way and always use approved artwork. Logotype sets are in EPS and JPEG formats as a zip archive.


Instructions to Download Logos

  1. Click on the links below to download a set of graphics in EPS and JPEG formats as a zip archive.
  2. In the new window that opens, move your mouse to the top of the browser window and click the download link.
  3. If you receive the message that "Google Drive can't scan this file for viruses" click the blue "Download anyway" button.
  4. Locate the zip file in your browser' download folder, and open it using uncompression software to access the individual graphic files.

Horizontal JPEG (for on-screen use only)

School logo Horizontal

Horizontal EPS (Print use only)

School logo Horizontal

Vertical JPEG (for on-screen use only)

School logo vertical

Vertical EPS (Print use only)

School logo vertical

School Sub-unit Logotypes

The school is made up of numerous sub-units. Each has its own unique logotype “lockup,” which consists of the school’s logotype and a descriptor line set underneath. This gives the sub-unit its own identity yet still stays visually connected to the school and university. When it is necessary to feature the sub-unit more prominently, the descriptor may be used independently from the logotype. However, to maintain consistency, the guidelines prohibit the use of any additional unauthorized iconography, marks or artwork connected to the lockup.


  1. Click on the links below to download a set of graphics in EPS and JPEG formats as a zip archive.
  2. In the new window that opens, move your mouse to the top of the browser window and click the download link.
  3. If you receive the message that "Google Drive can't scan this file for viruses" click the blue "Download anyway" button.
  4. Locate the zip file in your browser' download folder, and open it using uncompression software to access the individual graphic files.

Academic Units

Alumni Association
Alumni and Career Development
Department of Nursing
Faculty Affairs
Information Technology
Management Information Systems
Office of the Dean
Office of Recruitment and Workforce Development
Practicum Education
San Diego Academic Center
Student Services
Virtual Academic Center

Centers, Programs and Initiatives

California Social Welfare Archives
California Social Work Hall of Distinction
Center for Asian-Pacific Leadership
Center for Innovation and Research on Veterans & Military Families
Center for Homelessness, Housing and Health Equity Research
Center for LGBTQ+ Health Equity
Children’s Data Network
Hamovitch Center for Science in the Human Services
Military Academic Center
Military and Veterans Programs
Office of Inclusion and Diversity
SDP-Keck Human Rights Clinic
Telebehavioral Health
Trauma Recovery Center
Trojan Guardian Scholars
USC Center for AI in Society
USC Edward R. Roybal Institute on Aging

Caucuses and Student Groups

Asian Pacific Islander Social Work Caucus
Association of Student Nurse Practitioners
Black Social Work Caucus
Clinical Social Work Caucus
Forensic Social Work Caucus
Latinx Social Work Caucus
Military & Veteran Social Work Caucus
Mind Body Social Work Caucus
National Association of Social Workers - USC Unit
Phi Alpha Honor Society
Queer Alliance Social Work Caucus
Social Work and the Arts Social Work Caucus
Student Organization
Unchained Scholars Social Work Caucus

School Presentations

school powerpoint exampleThis PowerPoint presentation has been saved as a master template file available to download here. To ensure the master template remains intact, please rename and save each time you update the file. The template comes with two title slide options, each saved as masters and one content slide. No changes should be made to the layout of the master slides.

School Stationery

school letterhead exampleIn addition to printed stationery and business cards, which can be ordered through our business office, pre-formatted electronic letterhead is available for download here. Electronic letterhead should be used only for electronic communication and should not be printed out and mailed. Please use printed letterhead for this.

Email Signatures

School email signature

USC faculty, staff and administration should use text rather than images for email signatures. Images in email signatures may be flagged as spam, preventing them from being received. Inspiration quotes may not come across as intended and are not considered professional. Please use Times New Roman, Regular, 9 point. Highlighted elements of these signatures should be set in cardinal, while the rest of the signature should be set in dark gray. Color scan be found here. Links to social media are permissible, but links to personal businesses or personal websites are not.

Jane Smith
Adjunct Lecturer
Department of Adults and Healthy Aging

USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
University of Southern California
669 West 34th Street, Room 123
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0411

For questions regarding school logo usage and additional branding guidelines contact Joanna Scott.