Los Angeles Wildfires

To help faculty, staff and students who have been severely impacted and need financial assistance, USC has implemented the Trojan Family L.A. WildFires Relief Fund.

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Fall 2025 Applications NOW OPEN for On-Campus MSW

USC University of Southern California


Trojans For Neurodiversity Club

Sign Up Page Instagram: @usctrojansforneurodiversity

USC Office of Student Accessibility Services

USC Kortschak Learning Center

Get assistance with organization, study skills and learning strategies with Time management resources, workshops and more!

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A Social Workers Guide To ADHD

By Susan Kottler, LICSW

Knowledge of this wide-spread disorder is beneficial to social workers in varied settings in the detection, assessment, treatment and referral of people struggling with symptoms of ADHD, as well as in broader areas of program planning and implementation.

Resources for Community


(formerly NISH) is a United States non-profit agency that supports other agencies that provide employment opportunities for people who are disabled.

Special Needs Grants

a list of organizations that fund support for various diagnoses


Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) was founded in 1987 in response to the frustration and sense of isolation experienced by parents and their children with ADHD.

So You’re AutisticUnofficial Autism Questionnaires

This site forms part of So, You’re Autistic (SYA)? at the University of Kent, a support programme teaching those with a diagnosis, awaiting a diagnosis, or self-diagnosed HOW to be autistic – to understand what being autistic means for YOU.

Portland University’s AASPIRE

Wonder Mom’s Blog

Wonder Moms is a project by three moms to share real talk, helpful information, and practical advice with parents of kids who have intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, autism, language and speech delays, deafness, chronic illness, and traumatic brain injury.

The Uniquely Abled

Autism Centers of Excellence (ACE) Program

ACE institutions are required to collect data using common methods and to submit all data to the centralized NIMH Data Archive (NDA), which includes the National Database for Autism Research (NDAR). This informatics platform allows for the seamless integration of data, research tools, and research projects from institutions around the world and increases the power and efficiency of ACE research.


The program works with individuals, families, and professionals to help people with Asperger profiles build meaningful connected lives.