Work Settings
Many Adult Mental Health and Wellness students pursue licensure after they graduate. Some students become independent practitioners and others work for social service agencies, government agencies, nonprofits, hospitals, clinics and for profit treatment facilities, among others.
Adult Mental Health and Wellness - Work Settings
Dawn Joosten-Hagye, associate teaching professor, talks about the various work settings that graduates can pursue when they choose the Adult Mental Health and Wellness track.
Students often pursue clinical practice in fields such as:
- Mental Health
- Military Social Work
- Medical Social Work
- Behavioral Health
- Wellness Coaching
- Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Treatment
- Marriage and Family Counseling
- Older Adult Care
- Serious Mental Illness Early Intervention, Treatment and Recovery
- Crisis Counseling
- Forensic Early Intervention, Rehabilitation and Re-Entry Services
- Intimate Partner and Family Violence Prevention and Intervention
- Homeless Services and Supportive Housing
- LGBTQ Advocacy
- Integrated Care
Adult Mental Health and Wellness - Work Settings, Older Adults
Maria Aranda, professor, talks about various work settings available to graduates with an
interest in the older adult population.
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