USC Social Work researchers present at 2022 SSWR Conference
January 10, 2022- Research
Research from more than 40 faculty members and students of the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work will be presented at the 26th Annual Society for Social Work Research Conference - Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice, January 12 - 16, 2022 in Washington, D.C.
The SSWR Annual Conference offers a scientific program that reflects a broad range of research interests and the latest quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and studies. Below is a list of presentations from our school, with links to summaries:
*names in bold denote presenting author(s)
January 13, 2022
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Achieving Community Integration for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness in Mental Health Services: A Qualitative Study on Provider Perspectives of Service Activities
Contributors: Ryan Dougherty, PhD student, John Brekke, professor emeritus, Monique Holguin, PhD student
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Developmental Inflection Point for the Effect of Maternal Childhood Adversity on Offspring's Mental Health from Childhood to Adolescence: Time-Varying Effect of Gender Differences
Contributors: Jungeun Olivia Lee, assistant professor, Julie Cederbaum, associate professor, Woo Jung Lee, postdoctoral fellow
Type: Poster presentation
Title: The Association of Secondary Care Network Characteristics with Unmet Care Needs of Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Contributors: Jiaming Liang, PhD student, Maria P. Aranda, associate professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Mental Health Risks Associated with Social Isolation in Older Immigrants: The Mediating Role of Loneliness
Contributors: Juyoung Park, PhD student, Yuri Jang, professor
January 14, 2022
Type: Symposium
Title: Administrative Data and the Life Course Perspective
Contributors: John Prindle, research assistant professor, Lindsay Palmer, PhD student, Jacquelyn McCroskey, professor, Andrea Eastman, research assistant professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Youth Service Engagement Among Housed and Unhoused Adults: The Role of Emotional Regulation
Contributors: Sara Semborski, PhD student, Ben Henwood, associate professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: The Vulnerability of "Couch-Surfing": Behavioral Health and Victimization Among Youth and Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness
Contributors: Laura Petry, PhD student, Eric Rice, associate professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Relationship between Mental Health Condition and Self-Rated Mental Health in Asian Americans: The Moderating Role of Acculturation
Contributors: Yong Ju Cho, postdoctoral fellow, Yuri Jang, professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Sustainability Detriments and Outcomes across Samhsa-Funded Nonprofit Organizations
Contributors: Jessenia De Leon, PhD student
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Intergenerational Continuity and the Mechanisms of Childhood Adversity Among Teen Mothers and Their Offspring
Contributors: Yoewon Yoon, MSW, Julie Cederbaum, associate professor, Jungeun Olivia Lee, assistant professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: School Climate and Mental Health Service Use Among Sexual Minority Adolescents: Adolescent Stress Experience Over Time Study (ASETS)
Contributors: Rory O'Brien, PhD student
January 15, 2022
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Inclusion Policy-Practice Decoupling in the U.S. Army
Contributors: Michalle Mor Barak, professor, Sara Kintzle, research associate professor, Carl Castro, professor
Type: Symposium
Title: COVID-19, Child Maltreatment, and Child Protection Systems: Population-Based Evidence across Jurisdictions
Contributors: Rebecca Rebbe, assistant professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Comparing Three Substance Interventions for Youth with and without Homelessness Experiences Prior to Treatment
Contributors: Graham DiGuiseppi, PhD student, Jordan Davis, assistant professor, John Prindle, research assistant professor, Eric Rice, associate professor, Ben Henwood, associate professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Couch-Surfing, on the Streets, or in Shelter: Disparities in the Experience of Homelessness Among Racial and Sexual Minority Youth and Young Adults
Contributors: Laura Petry, PhD student, Eric Rice, associate professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Perceived Racial Discrimination and Mental Distress in Older Korean Americans: The Moderating Role of Ethnic Resources
Contributors: Yuri Jang, professor, Yong Ju Cho, postdoctoral fellow
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Perceptions of Favoritism in the U.S. Army
Contributors: Sara Kintzle, research associate professor, Michalle Mor Barak, professor, Carl Castro, professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Examining Soldiers Welcome Experience in the U.S. Army
Contributors: Sara Kintzle, research associate professor, Carl Castro, professor, Michalle Mor Barak, professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Living Environments and Social Isolation Among Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis by Racial and Income Groups
Contributors: Kexin Yu, PhD student, Shinyi Wu, associate professor, Iris Chi, professor
January 16, 2022
Type: Oral presentation
Title: A Longitudinal Examination of Veteran Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Contributors: Carl Castro, professor, Sara Kintzle, research associate professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: The Role of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in Caregiver Frustration in Child Access to Health Care and Gaps in Insurance Coverage: A 2018 National Survey Study
Contributors: Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim, assistant professor, Monica Perez Jolles, assistant professor, Robynn Cox, assistant professor
Type: Oral presentation
Title: Leveraging Data for Social Impact: Uplifting the Stories of Latina Immigrant Mothers during COVID-19
Contributors: Abigail Palmer Molina, PhD student, Dorian Traube, associate professor, Duyen Pham, MSW student, Ferol Mennen, professor emerita
Type: Symposium
Title: Fairness Analysis of a Risk Stratification Model Developed to Support Child Welfare Supervisors
Contributors: Eunhye Ahn, MSW student, John Prindle, research assistant professor, Jacquelyn McCroskey, professor
Title: Using Predicted Risk to Assess Disparities in the Utilization and and Delivery of Community-Based Services
Contributors: Jacquelyn McCroskey, professor, Lindsay Palmer, PhD student, Andrea Eastman, research assistant professor, Rebecca Rebbe, assistant professor, Lillie Guo, research assistant
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Correlates of Teacher-Directed Violence: Examining School Experiences by Race
Contributors: Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim, assistant professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: The Mental Health Impact of Racial Discrimination Against Asian American Pacific Islanders
Contributors: Hans Oh, assistant professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Perceived Safety in Community and Service Settings Among Sexual and Gender Diverse Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: A Mixed-Method Ecological Momentary Assessment Study
Contributors: Graham Disuiseppi, PhD student, Sara Semborski, PhD student, Harmony Rhoades, research assistant professor, Ben Henwood, associate professor
Type: Poster presentation
Title: Moral Injury Exposure Classes Differentially Predict Mental Health Severity Among Veterans
Contributors: Shaddy Saba, PhD student, Jordan Davis, assistant professor, Carl Castro, professor
To reference the work of our faculty online, we ask that you directly quote their work where possible and attribute it to "FACULTY NAME, a professor in the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work” (LINK: