Work Settings
Students who specialize in Social Change and Innovation can work in settings that include grassroots, neighborhood and faith-based organizations, for profit organizations, local and international community development operations, social service agencies, government agencies, city/civic organizations and health care.
Some students may also pursue entrepreneurship and start their own community-based organization, philanthropic cause, nonprofit agency, socially responsible business or independent consulting practice.
Potential Work Settings in Social Change and Innovation
Michalle Mor Barak, Dean's Professor of Social Work and Business, talks about the various types of work settings for graduates who specialize in Social Change and Innovation.
Sample work settings include:
- Civic Engagement
- Community Advocate
- Community Outreach Specialist
- Coordinator or Specialist
- Employee Assistance / Engagement
- Fundraiser
- Grant Writer
- Health Care
- Policy Analyst
- Program Evaluator
- Program Manager
- Public Affairs Coordinator
- Social Entrepreneur
- Social Good
- Trainer
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