Social work faculty and doctoral students present at the 27th Annual SSWR Conference
January 09, 2023More than 20 faculty and doctoral students from the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work will present their work at the 27th Annual Society of Social Work and Research (SSWR) conference in Phoenix, AZ, January 11 - 15, 2023. Full program of presentations and events available online.
The school will host a reception on January 13, 8.15 p.m. in the Valley of the Sun E room of the Sheraton.
Bold: denotes presenting author
* denotes doctoral student
Ronna Banada*, Filipinix American Experiences of Social Services Utilization during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Poster; Mental Health Service Delivery to the Filipino American Community: An Examination of the Concept of Relatability between Providers and Clients - Poster
Julie Cederbaum, Lucinda Okine*: State Variations in Maltreatment Reports Among Adolescents Involved with CPS in the United States
Graham DiGuiseppi*, Jordan Davis, Laura Petry*, Laura Ornasch-Vera, Eric Rice: Effects of a Three-Group Social Network Intervention on Sexual Health Conversations Among Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness
Andrea Lane Eastman, Jacqueline McCroskey: A Prospective Examination of Juvenile Probation Involvement Among Children with Child Protective Services Involvement
Daniel A. Hackman: RCDC Research Roots & Wings Roundtable II - Social Work Research & Transdisciplinary Science: Navigating Epistemic Contribution and Scientific Collaborations to Solve Complex Problems - Speaker
Ben Henwood: Grand Challenges for Social Work Roundtable – Going Grander! - Speaker
Yuri Jang, Eric Rice: Perceived Burdensomeness of Older Korean Americans to Their Healthcare Partners: An Egocentric Network Assessment
B.K. Elizabeth Kim: Reflections from Healing Illinois: Understanding the Impact of Contemporary Events on the Socioemotional Well-Being of K-12 Educators, Parents, and Students and Its Implications for Racial Healing – Symposium Discussant
Beatrice Martinez*: Trust in Community-Academic Research Partnerships in Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Research
Hans Oh: Writing a Publishable Paper, From Start to Finish - Workshop
Juyong Park*, Yuri Jang: Perceptions of Nursing Home Placement Among Korean American Family Caregivers for Persons with Dementia - Poster
John Prindle, Applying Latent Transition Analysis to Female Childhood Maltreatment and Assessing Adolescent Outcomes; John Prindle, Andrea Lane Eastman, Jacqueline McCroskey: Contact with Local Enforcement Agencies Among Adolescents Who Lived in Congregate Care
Eric Rice, Graham DiGuiseppi*, Laura Ornasch-Vera: A Longitudinal Exploration of How Connections to Staff Facilitate Efficacy and Service Use in Drop-in Centers Serving Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Lily Ross, Julie Cederbaum: COVID, Family Stress, and the Behaviors of School Age Children
Shaddy Saba*, Jordan Davis, John Prindle, Daniel Hackman, Carl Castro: Multivariate Latent Difference Score Models to Test Dynamic Associations between PTSD Symptoms, Physical Pain, and Pain-Related Fear Among U.S. Veterans
Sara Schwartz: Re-Traumatization in Holocaust Survivors: Implications for Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health in Times of the Ukrainian Invasion
Melissa Singh: Re-Envisioning Social Work Curricula: Ecosocial Work is Everybody's Thing
Dorian Traube, Lawrence Palinkas, Ferol Mennen: Implementation of the "Healthy Moms, Healthy Kids" Program in Head Start: An Application of the RE-AIM Quest Framework Centering Equity
Shinyi Wu, Daniel A. Hackman: RCDC Research Roots & Wings Roundtable I - Mentoring Doctoral Students for Transdisciplinary Team Science - Speakers
Ann Marie Yamada: Exploring the Experiences of Asian American Family Members That Contribute to Inequities in Treatment Access for Their Loved Ones with Serious Mental Health Conditions – Poster
To reference the work of our faculty online, we ask that you directly quote their work where possible and attribute it to "FACULTY NAME, a professor in the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work” (LINK: