Seeking Asylum - Documentary Screening
March 1, 2024
6:00 p.m.
Montgomery Ross Fisher Building (MRF)
Room 340 Reservations: Cost:
Join us for a screening of the thought-provoking documentary "Seeking Asylum: A Mother's Journey" hosted by the SDP-Keck Human Rights Clinic.
Directed by Rae Ceretto, the film bears witness to the endless deterrents faced by migrants while petitioning for asylum in the United States. The migrant journey has never been easy and is only made harder by our dismantled asylum system. This documentary gives a face to the migrant journey and to the thousands of people seeking asylum every single day. It demonstrates the urgent need for asylum reform, and why this is a part of the American dream we cannot afford to lose.
We welcome students, alumni, faculty and community professionals to this important screening. Together, let's amplify the voices of those in need and advocate for change.