2014 USC Women's Conference - Women Making an Impact
Featuring Dean Marilyn L. Flynn
USC School of Social Work Dean Marilyn Flynn will be speaking about innovations women have made in social work at the 6th Annual USC Women’s Conference. She will be joined by other distinguished women from various fields.
This highly anticipated conference brings together women of all backgrounds for a day of empowerment, inspiration and professional networking.
Register now and enjoy the day on the beautiful USC campus, starting with coffee and networking at Bovard before the kick-off celebration featuring USC Provost Elizabeth Garrett and USC deans Gallagher (Rossier School of Education), Flynn (School of Social Work) and Muhl (Roski School of Art and Design). Continue on to a power lunch at the USC Galen Center followed by the moving keynote speakers program. Cap off the day with a signature champagne and networking reception, featuring book signings by the conference speakers.
For more information and regular updates, please contact the USC Alumni Association by e-mail or call at 213.740.2300.