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Stephen Hydon

Teaching Professor, Practicum Education and Director, Social Work in Schools

Focus on child welfare, secondary traumatic stress and social work practice in schools.

Media Contact
Stephen Hydon
Email:  hydon@usc.edu
Phone:  213.740.0282
Rank:  Teaching Faculty

Stephen Hydon

Teaching Professor, Practicum Education and Director, Social Work in Schools

Focus on child welfare, secondary traumatic stress and social work practice in schools.

Media Contact


Stephen Hydon is a teaching professor of practicum education and serves as the director of the School and Educational Settings specialization program. His interests are in secondary traumatic stress and social work practice in schools. Hydon lead the co-development of an on-line educator curriculum on secondary traumatic stress (statprogram.org), which was funded by SAMHSA. He has been a consultant for the U.S. Department of Education and has trained globally on secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue, educator resilience and the evidenced based intervention, Psychological First Aid: Listen, Protect, Connect, Model, and Teach. 

He is a member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) and the Trauma and Services Adaptation Center for Resiliency, Hope and Wellness in Schools, where he serves as the liaison to the NCTSN’s Terrorism and Disaster Network. Recently, Hydon co-wrote the new California Statewide Standards for School Social Work which will now be used for all California MSW Programs offering the credential in school social work. Hydon was recently appointed President of the American Council on School Social Work, a national association dedicated solely to the profession of school social work. Lastly, among several courses he has taught in practicum education, Hydon serves as lead of a newly developed course on threat assessment and management.


University of Southern California

EdD 2016

University of Connecticut

MSW 1995

University of Connecticut

BA 1991

Area of Expertise

  • Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • Social Work Education
  • Social Work
  • Child Welfare
  • Social Work Practice
  • Trauma

Industry Experience

  • Health Care - Services
  • Education/Learning
  • Health and Wellness
  • Mental Health Care
  • Health Care - Providers
  • Writing and Editing

Articles & Publications

Preventing secondary traumatic stress in educators | Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America

Hydon, S., Wong, M., Langley, A.K., Stein, B.D., & Kataoka, S.H.
2015 Teachers can be vulnerable to secondary traumatic stress (STS) because of their supportive role with students and potential exposure to students' experiences with traumas, violence, disasters, or crises. STS symptoms, similar to those found in posttraumatic stress disorder, include nightmares, avoidance, agitation, and withdrawal, and can result from secondary exposure to hearing about students' traumas. This article describes how STS presents, how teachers can be at risk, and how STS can manifest in schools.


Educators' Secondary Traumatic Stress, Children's Trauma, and the Need for Trauma Literacy. | Harvard Educational Review

Lawson, Hal A., James C. Caringi, Ruth Gottfried, Brian E. Bride, and Stephen P. Hydon
In this essay, authors Lawson, Caringi, Gottfried, Bride, and Hydon introduce the concept of trauma literacy, connecting it to students' trauma and educators' secondary traumatic stress (STS). Interactions with traumatized students is one cause of STS; others derive from other traumatic encounters in schools and communities. Undesirable effects of STS start with professional disengagement and declining performance, include spill-over effects into educators' personal lives, and, ultimately, may cause them to leave the profession. The authors contend that alongside trauma-informed pedagogies and mental health services for students, mechanisms are needed for STS prevention, early identification, and rapid response. To benefit from and advance this dual framework, educators need a trauma-informed literacy that enables self-care, facilitates and safeguards interactions with trauma-impacted students and colleagues, and paves the way for expanded school improvement models.

