Los Angeles Wildfires

To help faculty, staff and students who have been severely impacted and need financial assistance, USC has implemented the Trojan Family L.A. WildFires Relief Fund.

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Fall 2025 Applications NOW OPEN for On-Campus MSW

USC University of Southern California

Faculty Awards

Each year, the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work selects a small number of its outstanding faculty for special recognition of their achievements in teaching, scholarship and service.

Hutto Patterson Foundation Award for Distinguished Faculty

Recognizes a faculty member for excellence in teaching who has demonstrated outstanding service to the university, the school and the community.

Award Recipients

2019 Michel Sela-Amit
2018 Kim Goodman
2017 Melissa Singh
2016 Kristen Zaleski
2015 Tyan Parker Dominguez
2015 Omar Lopez
2014 Murali D. Nair
2014 Jacquelyn McCroskey
2013 Eugenia Weiss
2012 Margarita Artavia
2011 Concepcion Barrio
2010 Annalisa Enrile
2009 Ralph Fertig
2008 Doni Whitsett2007 Gary Wood
2006 Rafael Angulo
2005 Helen Land
2004 Robert Nishimoto
2003 Jacquelyn McCroskey
2002 Maura O'Keefe
2001 Rino Patti
2000 Maria Aranda
1999 Madeleine Stoner

Sterling C. Franklin Award for Distinguished Faculty

Recognizes a faculty member who has achieved recognition in the scientific community and addressed solutions to important social problems.

Award Recipients

2019 Carl Castro
2018 Dorian Traube
2017 Benjamin Henwood
2016 Jeremy Goldbach
2015 Shinyi Wu
2015 Kimberly Finney
2014 Michalle Mor Barak
2014 Marleen Wong
2013 Eric Rice
2012 John Brekke
2011 Suzanne Wenzel
2010 Lawrence Palinkas
2009 Iris Chi2008 Devon Brooks
2007 Ferol Mennen
2006 Ron Astor
2005 Kathleen Ell
2004 Bruce Jansson
2003 Michalle Mor Barak
2002 John Brekke
2001 Penelope Trickett

USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work Award for Excellence in Leadership and Creativity

Recognizes a faculty member for outstanding contributions to enhancing the visibility and reputation of the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work nationally and internationally.

Award Recipients

2019 Margarita Artavia
2018 Ruth Supranovich
2017 Sharon O'Neill
2016 Renee Smith-Maddox
2015 Lawrence Palinkas
2015 Jacquelyn McCroskey
2014 Ron Astor
2014 Anthony Hassan2013 William Vega
2012 Marleen Wong
2011 Haluk Soydan
2010 Esther Gillies

Jane Addams Faculty Award

Recognizes a faculty member whom graduating students have nominated for recipient’s academic, administrative and moral support of students.

Award Recipients

2019 Murali Nair
2018 Raymond Lamb
2017 Laura Wittcoff
2016 Stacy Kratz and Samuel Mistrano
2015 Kimberly Finney
2014 Robert Hernandez
2013 Rafael Angulo
2012 Marcia Wilson
2011 Steven Bush
2010 Margarita Artavia
2009 Annalisa Enrile
2008 Shannon Mayeda
2007 Valerie Richards
2006 Rafael Angulo
2005 Nancy Meyer-Adams
2004 Ralph Fertig
2003 Gil Carmona
2002 Marilyn Flynn

Lillian Hawthorne Award for an Outstanding Field Education Article

Recognizes an exceptional published article authored by a member of the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work's field education faculty.

Award Recipient

2015 Stephen Hydon