Los Angeles Wildfires

To help faculty, staff and students who have been severely impacted and need financial assistance, USC has implemented the Trojan Family L.A. WildFires Relief Fund.

Apply Now for 2025

Fall 2025 Applications NOW OPEN for On-Campus MSW

USC University of Southern California


Why Is Terminology Important? 
Latino” is masculine, and “Latina” is feminine. “Latin@” means “Latino” and “Latina” “Latinx” is a gender-neutral term for all genders. Different groups advocate for the use of “Latino,” “Latina,” Latine” “Latino/a,” “Latin@,” and/or “Latinx” (de Ons, 2017). Use the terminology your audience prefers.

Finding the most fitting words to use in a greeting or salutation can be difficult because there are no set rules. Pan-ethnic expressions are still frequently used to represent larger groups, although selecting the right one can be difficult. Always try to find out whom you’re dealing with before offering a referral; therefore, for all people to feel accepted, more effort must be made

Reference: de Onís, C. M. (2017). What’s in an “x”? An exchange about the politics of “Latinx.” Chiricú Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 1(2), 78–91. https://doi.org/10.2979/chiricu.1.2.07


Therapy For Latinx: A Database Of Therapists Who Either Identify As Latinx Or Have Worked Closely With Latinx Communities And Understand Their Needs. The Website Is Available In English And Spanish And Offers Other Helpful Tools And Resources. Source: HHS.Gov U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services


Latino Social Workers Organization

Latino Coalition For A Healthy California

NAMI’s Compartiendo Esperanza Is A Three-Part Video Series That Explores The Journey Of Mental Wellness In Hispanic/Latinx Communities Through Dialogue, Storytelling And A Guided Discussion On The Following Topics:

  • Youth And Mental Wellness: “Sanando Juntos”/“Healing Together”
  • Community Leaders And Mental Wellness: “Las Raíces De Nuestra Sanación”/“The Roots Of Our Healing”
  • Latinx Families And Mental Wellness: “La Mesa”/“The Table”


Latinx Community Resources – La CASA
By providing affordable retail opportunities, technical assistance, start-up capital, and support Mercado La Paloma seeks to create business ownership opportunities and living wage jobs in our community. It is our goal to offer needed goods and services to residents and employees and retain spending in our neighborhood. Read More    
Latinx Floor: Special Interest Community – La CASA
“I think experiencing USC as a Latino is quite intimidating but the community you build on these floors is so strong that you somewhat forget that you’re at a PWI. You constantly look around, and see your people whom you end up viewing as your family, and it’s a very welcoming feeling. Read More


Latinx Social Work Caucus
LSWC at USC strives to promote leadership, self-help, & solidarity among all students towards the betterment of all Latinx cultures & ethnicities @latinxusc


The Latinx Social Work Caucus encourages leadership, self-help, and solidarity among USC Latina/o MSW students and seeks to improve Latina/o cultures and ethnicities. Academic achievement, professional development, and social justice are our goals. In a multicultural society, we celebrate all cultures’ richness and uniqueness. Instagram: @latinxusc email: lswcuscboard@gmail.com
Alanis Gonzalez, 2020-2021 Co-Chair, discusses LSWC: 



Teaching and Learning Resources for Hispanic Heritage Month

A Latino History of the United States

LGBTQ Latinx Mental Health Resource Guide

National Alliance for Mental Health

NAMI LatinX Resources

Latin X Therapist Directory