Los Angeles Wildfires

To help faculty, staff and students who have been severely impacted and need financial assistance, USC has implemented the Trojan Family L.A. WildFires Relief Fund.

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USC University of Southern California

Asian and Pacific Islander

Asian American Social Work Caucus

Our mission is to promote cultural awareness & provide social support for USC School of Social Work students. Est. ‘81


APASS – Asian Pacific Islander American Student Services



Resources for AAPI Heritage Month:
Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association (NAAPIMHA)
Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC)
Gen Health

Taking Action
STOP AAPI HATE Asian Americans Advancing Justice (AAJC) 
Stand Against Hatred 
San Diego District Attorney Reporting
NAPABA Pro Bono (FREE) Legal Assistance Request
1-844-9-NO-HATE Resource Hotline
Asian Pacific American Coalition

Increase Your Awareness
Asian Americans is a 5-hour film series told through intimate and personal lives casting a lens on U.S. history and the ongoing role that Asian Americans have played in shaping the nation’s country.
The Chinese Exclusion Act, a documentary that examines the origin, history and impact of the 1882 law that made it illegal for Chinese workers to come to America and for Chinese nationals already here to become U.S. citizens. The first in a long line of acts targeting the Chinese for exclusion, it remained in force for more than 60 years.
Minor Feelings – Cathy Park Hong
China Men – Maxine Hong Kingston
America for Americans and The Making of Asian America– Erika Lee
Strangers from a Different Shore – Ron Takaki
Yellow: Race in America Beyond Black and White – Frank Wu
Interior Chinatown – Charles Yu
Asian American Dreams – Helen Zia
#AtlantaSylabusJones JM. The dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism: Navigating our path forward. Sch Psychol. 2021 Sep;36(5):427-431. doi: 10.1037/spq0000472. PMID: 34591591.
The mental health impact of anti-Asian racism– American Psychological Association
Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation: On the Social and Psychic Lives of Asian Americans – David L. Eng

AAPI Authors and Titles To Know
How to Write An Autobiographical Novel: Essays by Alexander Chee
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Cathy Park Hong
Marriage of a Thousand Lies by SJ Sindu
The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts by Maxine Hong Kingston
The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen
Ode to Chinese Superstitions, Haircuts, and Being a Girl by Dorothy Chan
The Invention of I by Kaveh Bassiri
Night Sky with Open Wounds by Ocean Vuong
If They Come For Us: Poems by Fatimah Asghar
Eyes That Kiss in the Corners by Joanna Ho (Children’s Book)

AAPI Literary Organizations To Know
Kundiman – www.kundiman.org
Kaya Press – kaya.com
The Asian American Literary Review – www.aalrmag.org
Lantern Review – www.lanternreview.com

Be an Ally
Right to Be– Free bystander intervention training to stop Anti-Asian and Xenophobic harassment. Learn what to do if you witness a hate crime. Get involved with UPAC’s Stop AAPI Hate & Violence Initiative by contacting stophate@upacsd.com.



Stop AAPI hate: National Council of Asian Pacific Americans

What is AWARE (Asian Women’s Action for Resilience and Empowerment)

What is AWARE ? The AWARE study seeks to improve the mental and sexual health of Chinese-American, Vietnamese-American or Korean-American young women in a manner that is sensitive to their unique cultural experiences and challenges.  It is comprised of group therapy sessions, as well as encouragement through daily secure text messages, called “AWARE Stories.” This intervention is … Continue reading

Stand Against Hate Information and Reporting Page

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Resource Page

Article: Why Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders Don’t go to Therapy

Article: Asian Americans Are Undergoing a Silent Mental Health Crisis

Article: Asian American Mental Health and the ‘Model Minority’ Myth

Asian American Feminist Collective